Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter everyone! :) unfortunately dad is working today so its just us chilling at home. we are watching Lara Croft Tomb Raider cause she kicks butt. lol shes totally one of my role models. our baby crab apple tree is growing so beautifully too lol its been there since i was in 6th grade, (once a year the elementary schools would hand out baby trees on earth day or something like that) we've planted all of them, but this is the only one that actually made it, and is still growing. when i first brought it home, it was one small stick with a couple buds on it. i hope everyone is enjoying there sunday as much as we are, and hopefully there vacations too. ive made a couple new blogs... alot of free time lol and i have been enjoying the sun sooo much! i love it. i wish it was warm out though. but at least it is sunny. :) and isnt the koala bear picture so cute? i just love them! <3 the only animal i love more than them is sharks lol total opposites dont you think?


  1. They arent completely opposite koalas are known be vicious if provoked or feel in

  2. would you rather be in a cage with a koala bear, or a tank with a great white shark after blood was poured in? lol which seems more threatening? :)

