Monday, August 20, 2012

Flight Down to Florida!

So we left the house at around 12:45 in the morning, went through the mcdonalds drive through, then hit the road to syracuse! our flight left at 5:45 and we had some complications with the service at the airport. (They all were very rude!) we stopped in philidalphia, and then hit florida, where our nana and papa picked us up :)

Syracuse airport

we were waiting to board the plane
our first plane!!!!

View of our first plane ride!

me and Alex on our first flight

landing in  Philidalphia

on our second plane

alex on second plane

me on my second plane ride


  1. Oh, wow! I love the pictures up in the sky while flying! I was so hoping you would get a window seat and be able to look out to see everything. We love you girls and are so glad you made it there safely. What an adventure! :D :* All our love, Mom & Dad XXOXOXOOOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXO

  2. when we finally got to nana she was just like mom! LOL it was so funny. she was worried sick she wouldnt find us, i just started laughing at how alike you are to your mom ;)

    -Sammie <3

  3. How brave you girls are to venture out into the wild blue younder. Of course I was worried about finding you two.l I am your crazy and worrisome nana. (smile) I wish I could hug you two. Miss you (frown) but these pics are so wonderful to relive the fun.....
    by the way I do not know how to publish unless I use the anonymous button. lol I am sure you can guess who I am....hummmmmm
